The Truth About Aging And What You Need To Know
Almost every human being wants to wage war against aging, and it seems to be working. We are living longer than our parents and ancestors, who only lived between the ages of 45-55. The 2019 statistic on life expectancy in America and other developed countries is 78.7 years for women, and 70 years for men. After analyzing the age of death in people over 65 in developed nations, showed the human lifespan is increasing by approximately three years every generation and it is expected to continue for a while.
But what is aging really all about?
Well, for many there is a wide range of problems; back trouble, joint pain, arthritic pain, sleepless nights, loneliness, anxiety, depression, loss of vision, sagging skin, muscle weakness, bone detereroration, loss of friends....
These things are very common among seniors, and while this may sound pretty bleak, it doesnt have to be that way. The true value of life doesn't come until we've lived long enough to appreciate the gift that life really is.
Mark Twain once said, Age is a case of mind over matter. If you dont mind, it don't matter. Most people worry about aging, how it will make them feel, and how they will look when they get older. And when they reach that age, they sit around worrying and fretting and become distressed. They decide to live in a bubble, an age-segregated life.
We cannot stop aging, but there are ways we can influence our own aging processes. From adjusting certain molecules associated with our immune system to taking care of our health, we can inuduce the speed and type of changes that occur in the body. Scientists have found that making ourselves healthier, can slow the process, a bit. For example, by slowly restricting calories, might slow aging in time. Or using nutritional suppliments can repair old tissues and improve bone degenerating and organ function.
We think that exercise is only for the young, but the older we get, our bodies require unique exercises and nutritional support to help keep us healthy, strong and active. Exercising improves flexibility, strength, posture, coordination, and prevents injuries by reducing the risk of falls.
Strength Training:
Strength Training helps minimize the symptoms of chronic conditions such as arthritis.

5 Key Strength Training Tips for Older Adults
Stretching improves flexibility in the hamstrings, quadriceps, and the lower back along with greater mobility in the hip joint. This is important to prevent falling in older adults.

7 Simple Stretches for Older Adults
Core Exercises:
Core strengthening exercises are critical for posture, injury prevention, and longevity. They keep our abdominals strong to ensure joint and muscle health. They are a key part of any workout for seniors. It's never too late to develope core strength.

5 fall-prevention Core Exercises For Seniors
Cardio Exercises:
Cardio exercise such as brisk walking, dancing, swimming, cycling strengthens your heart, muscles, and bones. If you have osteoporosis, it's best to do low-impact forms of exercise so you don't put too much stress on your bones. Seniors should get a minimum of two hours of moderate-intensity cardio exercise each week.
Balance Exercises:
Balance Exercises prevent falls and help you to stay strong on your feet. Falls are the number-one cause of injuries and death from injuries among older Americans. Balance Exercises help improve your balance and stability.

6 Best Balance Exercises for Better Stability
Eating Healthy:
New research shows that a healthy diet can maintain the health and youth of cells. Eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based protein and limiting consumption of sugar, sodium, and processed meat keeps our cells healthy and young. While we typically measure our age in years, the true mark of biological aging is cellular aging.
Research found a significant association, between high adherence to any of these diets and longer telomere length. Following these dietary guidelines reduces the risk of major chronic disease, because they are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory diets. They create a biochemical environment favorable to telomeres.
Positive Mental Attitude:
Maintaining a positive mental attitude affects every area of our lives, from our health to our relationships; it also has a huge impact on how well we age. According to Mayo Clinic, our attitude has a direct effect on our health. One of the primary areas affected is our stress level. Optimistic people manage their stress more effectively. All of the negative effects of stress, like increased blood pressure, are greatly reduced in optomistic people.
Negative beliefs, thoughts, ideas, and attitudes can have a detrimental impact on our physical and emotional well-being as we age. Research finds that a right mental attitude can increase a person's will to live, they are able to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties and are more proactive about health. Those with a positive outlook reduce the probability of developing sickness, chronic diseases and disorders.
A new study in Ireland reports that having a positive attitude about aging may help prevent older adults from becoming frail, which in turn keeps their minds sharp. Frailty has been directly linked to lower cognitive abilities, and can often lead to dementia.
Scientists at Yale School of Public Health discovered a direct link between how one feels about aging, and how well our brains ward off Alzheimers disease. The study showed that people with a negative outlook on aging had a higher chance of developing Alzheimers. People who viewed aging as a normal and natural part of life seemed to have much lower occurrences of the disease.
Worry And Stress:
Worry can lead to weight gain and rapid aging. Stress does ugly things to us. One study found that women who experience high stress are more likely to experience hair loss than women with moderate or low stress. Work stress is associated with weight gain and acne patients said that stress exacerbates their condition.
Stress slows the skin's cell renewal process, wrinkles, dry skin and delayed healing of acne scars are the result. Excess cortisol sets off a hormonal chain reaction that stimulates excess oil production and can exacerbate breakouts. Stress may impede digestion, thereby inhibiting the absorption of vitamins that are essential for healthy teeth, skin, and hair.
Emotional Distress accelerates premature aging by shortening DNA telomeres. Stressful life experiences in childhood and adulthood have previously been linked to accelerated telomere shortening. Shorter telomeres are associated with reduced lifespan, chronic diseases and premature death, decreased physical capacity to recover from wounds, and reduced skin elasticity.
In one study, women with the highest perceived stress had telomeres the same lengths as women who were a decade older. Worry ages us not just psychologically but also biologically.
As we age, the more likely we are to experience decreased cognition, decreased memory, and increased confusion. Adults over the age of 65 are more likely to experience: Depression. Dementia including Alzheimers. Anxiety. Every single mental attribute of aging can be alleviated or remedied by keeping our mind sharp.
Studies have shown that people with higher education are less likely to develop dementia and other cognitive disorders. However, even if you dont have a college degree, you can stimulate your mind by taking college classes, playing brain training games, and learning new skills and crafts. Learning something new each day is key to stimulating your brain and keeping the memory sharp.
Gardening benefits the mind, body, and soul, and provides stress relief, physical activity, and significant stimulation for our brain. It even help with issues of depression. There is no question that gardening provides health benefits on multiple fronts.
Exercise increases oxygen-rich blood cells that nourish the brain, nerve cells and the connections between brain cells. So, don't forget to exercise.
Skin Care products:
As we age our skin loses elasticity and other essential nutrients. Our skin is at the mercy of many forces: sun, enviornmental stressors, harsh weather, and our own bad habits. Primary factors contributing to wrinkles and age spots include exposure to the sun (photoaging), and loss of fatty tissue between your skin and muscle.
When our body has to deal with pollution or excessive stress, free radical run amok and attack our living skin cells. The result is skin cell destruction, inflamed skin, weakened collagen and elastin matrix, which leads to premature aging.
Other factors include gravity, daily facial movement, obesity, and even sleep position.
But we can take steps to help our skin stay supple and fresh-looking. To create a truly effective anti-aging skin care plan, dermatologists recommend that you select your products carefully. Wrinkle creams, eye serums help diminish signs of aging, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, restore skins nutrients, and keep your complexion looking healthy, brighter and younger.
Even if you've never taken care of your skin, it's not too late to start. To take the guesswork out of your skin care regime, and want dramatic results, try one of Age Defying Secrets reliable and effective products to improve and maintain your skin's appearance.

Top Skin Care Products
Health And Beauty Tips
There are a variety of health and beauty tips throughout the internet. You will find a vast collection right here at your fingertips. Put them into practice to help you stay young and healthy throughout your aging Years.

Health And Beauty Tips